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My Platform 

"I am running to listen to and serve my community. I never take money from corporate lobbyists and I am not afraid to stand up to the establishment in order to do what’s right for my community.”


My Platform

"I am running to listen to and serve my community. I never take money from corporate lobbyists and I am not afraid to stand up to the establishment in order to do what’s right for my community.”

Single-Payer Healthcare

Healthcare is a human right, not a way for insurance companies to get rich. Single-payer healthcare will improve health outcomes, save Rhode Islanders money, and guarantee a woman’s right to choose.


Read the Policy Paper

$19 Minimum Wage


In the richest country on earth, no one should be stuck working for poverty wages. We’ll pass a $19 minimum wage that will automatically increase each year to keep up with inflation.



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Fair Taxation


The bottom 20% of Rhode Islanders pay a higher proportion of their income in state and local taxes than the top 1%. That’s wrong. It’s time that corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share.



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Help Small Business


We need to help small business by eliminating the corporate minimum tax.  We need to support policies to make it easier to do business in RI.  And we need to enact a healthcare program that will lower costs for small business.



Affordable Housing for All


Affordable, stable housing is the bedrock of strong communities. We need statewide rent control so that tenants are not forced to leave their homes when they don’t want to. We also need to invest in affordable, safe, public housing, and tell big developers that our neighborhoods are not for sale.


Read the Policy Paper

Quality Public Education


Every child has the right to a quality education, no matter the ZIP code they were born in. We’ll increase school funding to fix our broken education system that leaves so many children in Rhode Island behind. We’ll also provide tuition-free public colleges.



Read the Policy Paper

End Corruption


Many of the most powerful politicians in the General Assembly refuse to work for the people of our state because their reelection campaigns are funded by wealthy donors and lobbyists. We’ll impose sharp limits on donations to political candidates and parties, and implement public campaign financing to finally get money out of our state’s politics.


Immigration Justice


No family should be separated from each other, ever. We’ll provide driver’s licenses for undocumented Rhode Islanders and shut down for-profit ICE detention centers like the Wyatt.

Common Sense Gun Control


We need universal background checks and red-flag laws. Our candidates will stand up to the NRA and pass common-sense gun reform to make our communities and schools safer.

Green New Deal


Climate change threatens our homes, our lives, and our economy. We need a just transition to 100% renewable energy by 2030 that prioritizes working people and frontline communities.



Criminal Justice Reform


We will fix our broken and racist criminal justice system, end the school-to-prison pipeline, and ban for-profit prisons.

Equal Rights for All


Everyone should be treated equally. Our candidates are black, white, and brown; women and men; gay and straight; cis and trans. Together, we’ll protect every Rhode Islander from discrimination.


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Jeanine Calkin

-For RI State Senate(D.30)-

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